It can be found in almost all of our refrigerators, but does milk really do a body good? Is it dangerous to our health? Should you drink it raw?

Produced by Claude Barnes and directed by Sebastian Howard, MILK? explores all sides of the dairy debate raging in the United States and around the world to wade through the hype, hysteria and misinformation surrounding this cherished beverage.

This informative and entertaining film uncovers the truth by visiting with the author of the best-selling "The China Study," as well as government officials, industry experts, biologists, anti-milk activists, and raw milk advocate Michael Schmidt to discover why milk is one of the most misunderstood and controversial things today.

A must-see for every family. This film is good for both your mind and body - pass it on!

  • The information on milk over the years has been a serious distortion of the facts.

    — T. Colin Campbell, Author of "The China Study" and Professor Emeritus at Cornell University

Cast & Crew


              T. Colin Campbell, Author of "The China Study" and Professor Emeritus at Cornell University
              Dr. Neal Barnard, Clinical Researcher, Author, and Health Advocate
              Ron Schmid, ND, Naturopathic Physician and Author, "The Untold Story of Milk"
              Michael Schmidt, Dairy Farmer and Raw Milk Advocate
              Arthur Hill, Food Scientist, University of Guelph
              Robert Cohen, Author of "Milk - The Deadly Poison"
              Lisa Rutledge, Nutritionist
              Pete Hardin, Dairy Analyst and Editor of "The Milkweed"
              John Pagel, Dairy Farmer
              Jim and Rebecca Goodman, Dairy Farmers
              Tom Frizzle, Dairy Farmer
              Dr. Cezar Khursigara, Microbiologist, University of Guelph
              and lots of cows!!!